
_i_ - Belgrade, Serbia

01:26 Feb 20 2011 Goce Del_eva 27, lokal 5, Novi Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia

Renowned for their "sis cevap", people come here from all over the city. The place is tiny, there are just a few tables on the sidewalk where you can stand, the wait time is crazy but damn if it isn't excellent stuff!
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Loki - Belgrade, Serbia

01:09 Feb 20, 2011

Gospodar Jovanova, near the corner with Kralja Petra, Belgrade, Serbia, 3.68 Kms

Stepin Vajat - Belgrade, Serbia

01:18 Feb 20, 2011

Vojvode Stepe 2I, Belgrade, Serbia, 6.55 Kms

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11:37 Mar 23, 2011

9 mozsar utca budapest hungary, 315.06 Kms

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12:02 Mar 23, 2011

Burggasse 12, 1070 Wien, 486.84 Kms

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13:58 Oct 27, 2011

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